Return policy
Return policy of the e-shop „FANSHOP AS TRENČÍN“
Business company AS TRENČÍN, a.s. with registered office: Mládežnícka 2313, 911 01 Trenčín, IČO: 36 329 509, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Trenčín, Section: Sa, Insert No .: 10328 / R, Tax ID: SK2020180272 (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller") issues, in accordance with the provisions of Act no. 40/1964 Zb. Občianskeho zákonníka, zákona č. 250/2007 Z. z. o ochrane spotrebiteľa a zákona č. 102/2014 Z. z. o ochrane spotrebiteľa pri predaji tovaru alebo poskytovaní služieb na základe zmluvy uzatvorenej na diaľku alebo zmluvy uzatvorenej mimo prevádzkových priestorov predávajúceho a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov, the Return policy of the e-shop „FANSHOP AS TRENČÍN“.
Art. I
Definition of terms
- Store: an e-shop of the seller placed on the web page
- Product or products: the product or multiple pieces of products for sale listed in the offer of the seller in the Store.
- Buyer: Consumer or an entrepreneur, who makes a purchase in the Store.
- Consumer: personal entity, which when concluding and fulfilling a consumer contract, does not carry out any business or other business activity.
- Entrepreneur: buyer – personal entity or legal entity, which concludes a contract with the seller in relation to the performance of his / her business activity, which is not a consumer under the act 250/2007 Z. z. o ochrane spotrebiteľa v znení neskorších predpisov
- Purchase Contract: a contract, the subject of which is the purchase and sale of the Product concluded between the seller and the buyer
- Personalized product: a product tailored to the individual requirements of the client according to his orders within the range offered by the seller.
Art. II
- This Return Policy („RP“) applies to a Purchase Contract concluded between Seller and Buyer - a Remote Customer based on an electronic order and its acceptance under the terms and conditions set forth in the General Terms and Conditions of the Store ("GTC") available here: http: // fanshop / S8-business-conditions
- This Return Policy is a part of the GTC.
- If the buyer is an entrepreneur, or a person who is not a consumer within the meaning of § 2 písm. a) zákona č. 250/2007 Z. z. o ochrane spotrebiteľa v znení neskorších predpisov, the seller's liability for defects is governed solely by the relevant provisions of Act no. č. 513/1991 Zb. Obchodný zákonník v znení neskorších predpisov. The seller provides the buyer - the entrepreneur with a product quality guarantee of 24 months from the date of receipt of the product by the buyer, for the determination of the date of receipt of the product see Art. III. section 2 of this Return Policy.
- The duration of the warranty period is 24 months and begins to run on the date of receipt of the product by the consumer in the Store. If the product is delivered by a courier company or Slovak Post, the warranty period begins to run from the date of receipt of the product by the customer from a courier or postman.
- The warranty period shall be extended by the period during which the product was in the claim process
- The depreciation characteristic of a given material or method of use is not considered to be a defect. It is not a defect, if the nature of the product indicates that its service life is shorter than the warranty period.
Art. IV
Liability of the seller for defects
- The consumer is obligated to check the consignment, meaning the product and its packaging, immediately after delivery. In case the buyer finds that the product packaging is mechanically damaged, he is obligated to notify the person from whom the product is taken and in the presence of that person check the condition of the product. The consumer is not obligated to take over the package with damaged packaging.
- As soon as the consignment has been taken over without any mechanical damage, the consumer is obligated to check the product contained in the package. If the consumer discovers that the product is malfunctioning or damaged, or if the product has been delivered in contravention of a concluded purchase contract (eg other size, other kind of product, etc.), the consumer is obligated to notify the seller without undue delay.
- Prior to first use, the Consumer is obligated to familiarize himself with the instructions for use, maintenance instructions and any other accompanying documentation that he / she has received with the product.
- Predávajúci nezodpovedá za vady vzniknuté na produkte nesprávnym používaním, nesprávnou údržbou, neodborným zásahom, mechanickým poškodením spôsobeným na produkte spotrebiteľom alebo treťou osobou alebo za opotrebenie spôsobené pri obvyklom užívaní tovaru.
- The seller is not responsible for any defects of the product caused by misuse, improper maintenance, unprofessional interference, mechanical damage to the product by the consumer or third party, or depreciation caused by the normal use of the product.
Art. V
Making a claim
- The consumer may submit a claim at the registered address of the company: AS TRENČÍN, a.s., Mládežnícka 2313, 911 01 Trenčín.
- The consumer may send the returned product to the seller by post, courier company or personally, together with a copy of the tax document he had received with the product. The seller reserves the right not to accept the product sent by „cash on delivery“.
- In the case of a personal return of the product, the seller issues a receipt to the buyer. Seller is obligated to provide the Consumer with a written confirmation of the claim form with the date when the Consumer has submited the claim, what is the content of the claim, and what kind of restitution the Consumer requires.
- When sending a product to the seller, it is recommended that the Consumer uses a claim form, which is available here:
Art. VI
Processing a claim
- In the case of a defect that can be repaired, the Consumer shall be entitled to a timely, proper and gratuitous removal of the defect. Instead of repairing the defect, the consumer may require a replacement of the product or if the defect relates only to the part of the product, the replacement of the component, only if this will not incur disproportionate costs to the seller in relation to the price of the product or the seriousness of the defect.
- The seller may always replace the wrong product with a right one, instead of removing the defect if it does not incur a serious difficulties to the buyer.
- In the case of a defect which can not be repaired and which prevents the product from being properly used as a non-defective item, the consumer has the right to exchange the product or has the right to withdraw from the contract. The same rights apply to consumers, if they are claiming a products with a repairable defects, but the consumer can not properly use the product due to defects after repairs or for more defects.
- In the case of a non-repairable defect which does not prevent the proper use of the product, the consumer shall be entitled to an appropriate discount on the purchase price.
- Based on the Consumer's decision on the preferred way of handling the claim, the seller is required to determine the way the complaint is claimed, within the following deadlines:
- immediately,
- in complex cases within 3 working days of the date of the claim,
- in justified cases, in particular where a complex technical assessment of the condition of the product is required, no later than 30 days after the date on which the complaint was submitted.
- The Claim, including removal of defects, shall be provided without undue delay, no later than 30 calendar days after the date of its submission.
- Upon expiration of the time limit for handling the claim, the Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract or has the right to exchange the product for a new same kind of product.
- The Seller is obliged to provide the Consumer with a written confirmation of the date and method of handling the claim, including the confirmation of the repair and it‘s duration, or a written justification for the refusal of the claim.
- Rights of liability for defects are lost when not applied during the warranty period
Special provisions for handling complaints when the buyer is an entrepreneur
- If the buyer is an entrepreneur, a person who is not a consumer within the meaning of § 2 písm. a) of Act no. 250/2007 Z. z. o ochrane spotrebiteľa v znení neskorších predpisov, the liability of the seller for defects is governed by the relevant provisions of Act no. 513/1991 Zb. Obchodný zákonník v znení neskorších predpisov
- The seller provides the buyer - the entrepreneur with a product quality guarantee of 24 months from the date of receipt of the product by the buyer.
- The seller shall decide on the complaint of the buyer-entrepreneur within 30 days of the date of its submission.